Ian Petchey - Volunteer Restoration Manager and Trustee
emailI have been a volunteer for around 7 years and Restoration Manager for 3 years.
Now retired, I worked for Ford Motor Company for over 30 years, leaving as a project manager of major facility installation work. I had a narrowboat on the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation for a few years, then lived on a Dutch Barge on the Medway and Thames. My boating days are over but would love to see boats on the Gipping and to see a footpath between Ipswich and Stowmarket that hugs the river and offers a pleasant walking experience at all times, especially in summer wearing shorts. It shouldn’t be a challenge, just an enjoyable experience.
I am convinced that there will be boats on the river again, no doubts about it. It’s not if, but just when, and I am committed to make this happen sooner rather than later, and certainly within the next few years. Biodiversity enhancements will drive it, first between Baylham and Needham Market along this 2 1/2 mile stretch of the river then, lock by lock expanding up and down river a mile or so at a time.