Volunteers at Work

June 2024

One of the footbridges we reinstated floated away again in the late May flood. It has now been reinstated again and temporarily tied to a tree whilst we look for a more permanent solution.

May 2024. Reinstating Footbridges at Badley

During the October floods two footbridges at Badley floated away some 50ft downstream necessitating a lengthy path deviation around them. Trust volunteers managed to get them back to their original location and levelled off a third bridge that had moved on its abutment.

April 2024

Trust Volunteers have now stopped work on reinstating the towpath line and cutting back hedges are now helping to maintain the existing footpath from Bramford to Badley. The Council cut this path three times per year, which if not sufficient to keep all of the path from being overgrown in Summer. Hopefully, with our assistance, the path this year will be kept clear. That’s our aim…. To be able to walk the path in shorts without being stung be nettles and attacked by brambles.

February 2024

Fifteen Trust volunteers helped clear the footpath of fallen trees and heavy overgrowth, starting from the Bramford’s Bushman’s Bridge and working towards Paper Mill Lane. It is
essential to do this clearance work prior to the start of the bird nesting season, so that the general grass cutting can be done through the summer without disturbing nesting birds (especially those nesting on the ground in long grass).

August 2023

Volunteers worked hard over a 10 day period to complete Lock Restoration work at Pipps Ford.

June 2023

This June volunteers have been busy removing fallen trees across the river and path and trimming the Footpath edges between Paper Mill and Badley (above Needham). Click on photo group to enlarge. If interested in volunteering click here for more info.

Working Together

Whether it’s pulling logs out of the river

Moving bricks with a volunteer human chain or just moving heavy items, we all muck in together when we can.

Brickwork Restoration 

Restoring the 1793 Brick Bridge Abutments 

The majority of the reused bricks were recovered from the bottom of the river, around 500. All were dried, cleaned up and relaid.

Not all Work……..