Future Towpath Restoration Work (2025 onwards)

River Gipping Trust volunteers managed to keep the footpath open between Bramford and Stowmarket Gateway 14 path during 2024. The aim is to extend this further downstream of Bramford Bushman’s Bridge during 2025. The Trust aim to restore as much as possible of the original line of the tow path alongside the river, and improve the walking experience by ensuring the path can be walked in summer without being attacked by nettles and brambles. But there are still many more areas where the path deviates away from the river and where walkers loose sight of the river. Originally the tow path hugged the navigation all the way from Ipswich to Stowmarket, without any trees or vegetation between it and the waterway. It had to be like this in order for the horses to pull the barges along without obstructions.

The Trust Plan to improve the footpath 

With 3km of towpath reinstated in 2023, the Trust plan worked on the Bramford to Stowmarket Gateway 14 stretch this year (2024). 
Many parts of the current footpath have nettle and weed growth between the path and the river, which in the height of summer grow above head height, blocking views and making sections of the path impassable, and thus reducing the walking experience of a riverside walk. Keeping the path adjacent to the river will also dramatically reduce the growth of Himalayan Balsam and the known bankside erosion it causes when it’s dies back in winter. It has been established that constant cutting and mowing areas of Himalayan Balsam can completely  eradicate the invasive plant after a two year period.

Restoring the footpath to the original Towpath line

The photos below, are examples of nettle and weed growth between the path and river. At various locations this can be just a few feet wide, but often 20 feet or more. Cutting areas like this once per month, every month will almost totally eradicate the Himalayan Balsam between path and river, which is where it does most damage. Likely the newly mown area will become the natural footpath, and the tow path route will be restored back to where it originally was. Moving the footpath will be done during the winter months (October to March) outside the bird nesting season. Trimming the ‘new’ path will continue through 2025 with the old (existing) path being left to re-wild.